St James Catholic Church

Our Community

Our faith-based community, a group of diverse, caring and interesting individuals, are the bedrock of our Parish.   

Sunday School

Our Sunday School is for young children up to Gr 2.

The children leave at the beginning of Mass, learn in a way that is suitable to their age about the Faith and are returned to their families at the Offertory.

They gather in the foyer before Mass where Father gives them a special blessing.

Children do not need to be registered for Sunday School. They are welcome to join us any time!

At Sunday school we follow the format of the Mass:

  • Saying sorry for sins and forgiveness
  • Glory and Praise to God
  • Read the Gospel, with pictures and props
  • Explain and discuss the message of the Gospel at the children’s level
  • Activity linked to the Gospel


Together we sing, pray, listen, read, chat and participate in an activity. Click Here.

Interment Services & Garden of Remembrance

To learn more, Click Here.    

Parish Notices & Activities

To be updated.    

Community News & New Parishioners

To be updated.